Quick Connected Speech Lesson with BANKS

Hey badass English learner! Do you love learning English with music? Music is wonderful for learning languages because of the natural use of native expressions and slang, as well as the ability to improve your pronunciation by singing along. I am excited to bring you a lesson with one of my favorite singers, BANKS. I…

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The 21 Funniest Youtube Videos For English Learners & Teachers

When was the last time you laughed really hard when learning or teaching English? Learning English as a second language (ESL) can be very boring sometimes, but a little comedy can change everything and make it fun AND funny. We have brought together the funniest, most popular, and instructive youtube videos and ESL commercials into one…

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Improve Your Pronunciation With Rap Music

One of the hardest aspects of learning a new language is speaking with clear and correct pronunciation. A lot of language learners focus all their attention on learning all the necessary vocabulary and grammatical structures, but they often forget about focusing their attention on having correct pronunciation. I believe that learning pronunciation is just as…

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Is Bad Pronunciation Killing Your Fluency? Wanna know why?

Is there something missing in your English fluency? Do you have this gut feeling [feeling in your stomach] that you should speak better than you do, that you could be more fluent, but there’s a missing piece to the puzzle? It’s a story that repeats itself over and over again: you’ve studied plenty of English,…

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Music is a Language: Change The Way You Learn English With Music

Do you think learning a language is at all similar to learning how to play an instrument? Being an English teacher, and a music lover, I have always asked myself if these two skills have anything in common. As a teacher, I have noticed that most of my students that play some kind of musical instrument tend…

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Learn English With Music and Help the World

Are you passionate about music? Do you believe it is a powerful tool for learning English? Are you open minded and willing to help the rest of the world with your language learning abilities? If you answered yes to these three questions above, then we need your help to connect and inspire people from all…

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Real Life Music: Imagine Dragons – Radioactive

Listening to music is one of the best ways to relieve all the stress and problems you may be having in your everyday life.  If you’re angry at your boss, you can put on a heavy metal song to release some of that built up anger. If you are having problems in your romantic life,…

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The Black Keys (Lonely Boy): Real Life Music

“Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue.” (Plato) How does music make you feel? Let me guess…calm, relaxed, open minded? How does learning about English structure and grammar make you feel? Let me guess… stressed, overwhelmed, uninterested and probably pretty restricted because of all the rules and…

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Learn English with Rolling Stone Magazine

Do you love to scream out to your favorite ROCK songs? Maybe you’re passionate about the rhythm and flow of RAP music. Do you like to put on your dancing shoes and bust a move to some R‘n’B? Or, do you prefer to get down to some James Brown style FUNK !!!  Join the Real…

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